Week 6 – Falling short…

I just posted my press release which I should have done last week. Since mid-week Week 5 up to today I have not been completely faithful to my journey. The time and effort of work/family responsibilities and commitments have made it easy for my old blueprint to slowly creep in. I’ve been fully aware of this but have been letting it happen.

I’m back now…posting my press release yesterday was a fabulous activity. Writing this blog now is helping me see how people stay stuck. It’s just easier to stay stuck. It’s as simple as that. I could clearly see that my subconscious was giving me excuses not to read three times a day, not to read Haanel, not to sit every day and not to repeat my affirmations and service card promises daily.

And I also allowed my subconscious to keep me from stopping it by saying to myself – whatever…I’m just too busy right now…I literally don’t have the time to do all of this right now…I don’t even know where to begin with my press release… I know this is all super important but I don’t have time right now and I’ll eventually do these things.

I don’t know why, but I’m really struggling with my subconscious – it’s a battle. Got to get out of this funk…the only way is by full on reading, sitting, affirmations, mastermind participation.

4 thoughts on “Week 6 – Falling short…

  1. If I could like this more I would! The exact same thing was happening to me this last week. But then I remembered that we need to make care of our mental house better than our physical house. Our mental house will automatically take care of our physical house by default. But never the other way around.

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