Benefits of Blogging

Admittedly, the only reason I started this blog was because it is a requirement in the MKMMA. I am not one to share my experiences and feelings with the public, and frankly, do not feel completely comfortable reading about other people’s lives. So this part of the course was a challenge.

However, as I work on sharing a weekly blog, I am realizing the benefits of sharing the journey of personal discovery and growth I am on. The professional benefits of blogging, such as building brand awareness and developing leads for your business aside, here I would like to focus on the personal benefits, specifically a few that I see linked to the exercises we are practicing in manifesting a new reality in our weekly mastermind alliance .

In week 15, we began a 13-week exercise called Franklin’s Makeover, in which we improve ourselves in 13 virtues. Each week we focus on one virtue by looking for examples of it in others. This way we start to develop that particular virtue/habit in ourselves. Blogging is very much linked to Franklin’s Makeover.

First, blogging develops the virtues of discipline and persistence – taking the time to sit and share on a weekly basis. It’s easy to make excuses for not doing so, such as being too tired or busy, or a good movie is on, or needing to visit with so and so…the list goes on.

Other virtues are courage, imagination, decisiveness and being well-organized. It takes courage to share your personal thoughts and feelings. You start with a single thought, and as you write, your imagination kicks in and you create more and more related ideas. It’s a wonderful feeling to feel your imagination in action! As your imagination and your blog content grows, it is important to be decisive and well-organized in your writing. Decisiveness helps you limit your content and choose the most important points so that your share is focused and not scattered. You need to edit, re-edit and link your thoughts in a cohesive manner so the reader is able to easily follow. In this way your writing and organizational skills are developed.

In order to keep the reader engaged, the virtues of enthusiasm, pleasing personality and specialized knowledge are important. People are attracted to positivity – in energy and delivery. As we progress through our mastermind alliance, we begin to possess increased knowledge about what is required to manifest a new reality. This increased knowledge adds value to our blog.


In week 12, we learned about polarity and the importance of choosing one of the two ways our thought energy flows – either from us to the universe (a giving person) or from the universe to us (a receiving person). The Universe does not judge. Either way is OK, as long as there exists some receiving component in the giving/helping polarity, and some giving component in the taking/receiving polarity.

For me as one who chooses for my thought energy to from me to the universe, blogging is linked, as it is a way to give and share information that could be useful to others.

Another part of the mastermind course is the alliance. The blogging platform is a way for all members to learn from others members, and to possibly get concepts from the readings and webinars they may be struggling with clarified.

One of the greatest benefits I have realized from blogging is more clarity and better understanding of the readings and webinar information. I don’t only take in new information, but I need to review and rethink it in order to simply and clearly share it with others.

Thank you for the blog requirement. It benefits the mastermind members, as well others who may be inspired to also decide to manifest a new reality for themselves.


Week 12 – Polarity…?

This concept confused me – I thought, ok, my positive thought energy needs to connect with the polar opposite, negative energy in order to manifest what I am thinking. What? I didn’t get it.

I did some research…googled polarity, read articles and blogs on polarity…and it’s clear now what polarity in manifesting one’s thoughts and dreams is, and how polarity comes into play. Please comment if you feel I’m on or off base.

Polar is an extreme. One or the other. If both extremes exist, they cancel each other out. In manifesting a new reality, we need to energize and emotionalize our thoughts with one polar extreme or another.

I have operated in both polarities which is why I have been unable to thus far manifest true health and liberty. I know that I am motivated by love and act because I want to give and help others. One way this is expressed has been in my career choices of non-profit organizations. I have, however, learned through my Part 12 research, that because I live so extremely in the loving polarity, I unwittingly operate in the fear based polarity to a certain degree. I operate there through my feelings of “guilt”, in feeling selfish when taking or receiving. For example, I have worked in non-profits as a career in helping others, but also with the mindset of not wanting to profit monetarily from people. I’ve had the feeling that money is “evil”. In this regard, I have done myself a disservice.

Although living my life in mixed polarities (the highest degree in the polarity of love) has given me peace of mind, joy and the feeling of being a positive role model to my daughters, the lesser degree of the fear polarity has diluted that, and I have prevented myself from achieving true health and liberty.  Simply put, due to insecure imprints on my subconscious, I believed that I am not worthy to receive.

No longer…

Through this course, I have gained so much! I have been changing that blueprint on my subconscious. I believe I am worthy to receive! I have an understanding of polarities and the need to choose one or the other in order to manifest and create a new reality. But I also understand the need to balance the fear polarity to work in my interest of giving. I’m not saying live in both polarities – they will just cancel each other out and I will stay stuck.What I mean is that receiving can also be a form of giving, in that it brings joy to others to  give. Accepting abundance can allow me to give and help more.

The more polarized (with balance) my thoughts and intentions are, the more likely and faster they will manifest.




Week 9 – worth developing

I believe my talent is worth developing and caring for, as Kevin Spacey suggested to the audience, therefore I will achieve what I want. I will manifest my DMP.

I have copies of my poster and shapes taped all around my house. I am proud of what I’m doing. Rick is completely supportive of this journey I am on. My daughters are also, but they are off at college and busy with friends – they know fewer details about my journey but understand that I want to better myself – I am a good role model for them.

I need to work harder at this. Today is Wednesday, November 30. I have four days until the next MM webinar to diligently practice the four steps required to succeed:

  1. Ramp up my DMP
  2. Improve and work harder on my mental diet
  3. Read and do my POA
  4. Stay connected with the MM

My talent is important to the world, therefore I will care for and develop it by practice these four steps daily.


Week 6 – Falling short…

I just posted my press release which I should have done last week. Since mid-week Week 5 up to today I have not been completely faithful to my journey. The time and effort of work/family responsibilities and commitments have made it easy for my old blueprint to slowly creep in. I’ve been fully aware of this but have been letting it happen.

I’m back now…posting my press release yesterday was a fabulous activity. Writing this blog now is helping me see how people stay stuck. It’s just easier to stay stuck. It’s as simple as that. I could clearly see that my subconscious was giving me excuses not to read three times a day, not to read Haanel, not to sit every day and not to repeat my affirmations and service card promises daily.

And I also allowed my subconscious to keep me from stopping it by saying to myself – whatever…I’m just too busy right now…I literally don’t have the time to do all of this right now…I don’t even know where to begin with my press release… I know this is all super important but I don’t have time right now and I’ll eventually do these things.

I don’t know why, but I’m really struggling with my subconscious – it’s a battle. Got to get out of this funk…the only way is by full on reading, sitting, affirmations, mastermind participation.

Week 5 -Links


After reading Mandino’s scroll #1 for over 20 days, I saw a link to Haanel’s readings and sitting exercises.

Mandino pg 53 paragraph 2 – achieving greatness “…how is this accomplished? For I have neither the knowledge nor the experience to achieve greatness…the answer is simple. I commence my journey unencumbered with either the weight of unnecessary knowledge or the handicap of meaningless experience…”

This unnecessary knowledge and meaningless experience is mostly that of others (most well intentioned, others not so). Over many years, this knowledge, these opinions and suggestions, have all been accepted by my conscious mind as truths. Deep impressions have been made on my subconscious who believes everything my conscious allows in – hence, the knowledge, opinions and experiences of others is what I act upon, whether they serve me or not.

I learned from Mandino that I need to commence my journey unencumbered with this unnecessary knowledge and meaningless experience.

I learned from Haanel HOW to commence my journey unencumbered – through sitting still and in silence and learning to control my body and thoughts – by doing a “mental housecleaning” every day, rejecting any negative thoughts and storing away only courageous, optimistic and positive thoughts.

When I become expert at this through practicing daily, I am then able to envision the ideals and mental images I want to realize.

Thank you for reading my blog.


Week 3 – Great Day!

This has been a great day! Although I have been squeezing in my sits, readings and assignments throughout the week, today I have been able to spend almost five hours on my mastermind experience!

I just changed the image on my blog page and it makes me smile every time I look at it. The photo of Cape Cod relates perfectly to my dharma. I title it “You can do anything!” I chose this image after rewriting my DMP over and over, then editing it to fit on a 3×5 index card. The time spent working on what I am manifesting is manifesting happiness already. I really can’t stop smiling. I love life and the people in mine.

My light is shining so brightly people are going to have to wear sunglasses around me! I’m going to work very hard to maintain this high.

Thank you for reading my blog.


Week 3 – I’m on it!

After posting my blog during week 2 about getting a “slow start” and not keeping up with all of the tangible and intangible activities, I listened to the week 3 webinar and learned that it is not uncommon for students to keep allowing their subconscious to keep them from doing the work. It was very encouraging to hear.

Rereading the material daily is critical. It could take a couple of weeks to have an a-ha moment. Well, it happened to me a couple of times yesterday…will share in next post.

Thank you for reading my blog.


Week 2 – trying…but not hard enough

During this week I read the Master Key, The Greatest Salesman in the World, sat still, used the workbook, Blueprint Builder and that all that is necessary to change my blueprint.

But I did not do everything 3 times a day, or even daily. I felt like I was slipping behind and worried that I was not going to succeed at changing my blueprint. I know it is my subconscious keeping me from the right activities and thoughts.

Towards the end of the week, I started turning the radio off on my commute to and from work and just spoke out loud, telling my subconscious truths. I bought the book The Master Key System and started it over, highlighting portions that blew my mind. This was the first time I really concentrated on the words and it was truly mind blowing.

I get it now. I have to fully participate in the Master Mind Alliance if I want to change my blueprint and receive abundance. In reading MMK, I realized that the weekly webinars are extremely important in helping me understand the system. In addition, the alliance is a necessary support system.

I am excited to begin Week 3! I promise to do and say the right activities and thoughts.

I’ll let you know at week’s end how it went…stay tuned.


Week 1…beginning my journey to change.

Getting to know oneself, really, is scary, emotional, exciting, hopeful and I know a beautiful journey. But notice the first adjective I used.

Today, as I was driving, I spoke out loud to myself because I have learned that our subconscious has no defense against our voice. I told “myself” things that I don’t believe for one reason or another, but that I want to be reality in my life. At some level, I actually do believe these truths. I believe them about about others, but not myself. Well, maybe somewhat about myself, but not really – not really and truly. The blueprint in my subconscious keeps that from me.

As I was telling myself truths, I started crying – and I thought, ‘I can’t cry because people at work will see my eyes and ask what’s wrong.’ So I held it back and just let my eyes water a bit. That reaction was caused by my current blueprint. I cried because I felt strong saying these truths, but my subconscious did not feel comfortable with these feelings of strength and hope I felt, so it kicked in and kept me from the truth and in that place of weakness in which it feels more comfortable. It basically ran the show. And it always will – that’s ok – I just have to create a different show in my subconscious.

I felt like I was in a battle, but in a winning position because of the system and alliance I have entrusted with MKM. I knew that my subconscious was holding back my tears in this instance, but I also believed, not for long.

I do not want to view my subconscious as an enemy. I believe my subconscious is an innocent bi-product of my loving up-bring, my not-so-loving school/friend environment, my readings, relationships, experiences…all of these things have created a blueprint of thoughts, feelings and beliefs in my mind. This blueprint – these thoughts, feelings and beliefs – are what cause me to act in a certain way and these actions achieve certain results – these actions are habits.

I am excited to do the work to develop new habits to replace the old. I have learned this is the only way to extinguish an undesirable habit – by imprinting another upon it. It will take hard work and repetition –  I am committing to put new, positive thoughts, feelings and beliefs into my subconscious and creating a new blueprint, which will allow me to take different actions and achieve different results – because I want change.

Thank you for taking the time to read this.
